Basically, this command informs us about whether our system He's prepared to install the program, that is, if you have all necessary libraries installed. The programs use system libraries that obviously you have to have installed so that the program can work correctly, and one may not know if you have everything ready to install the desired program.

Solution: Ubuntu without wired or wifi internet connectionīut of course.

Precisely to know how we can execute it, and what parameters we have at our disposal, we can take a look at the README file, where among other things, it should be explained to us in which ways we can execute the Makefile. Still the way that we can run make, always depends on how the Makefile is implemented. make install: Move all the files necessary to run the application, to their corresponding directories.make clean: Deletes all compilation files and leaves everything as if it was never compiled.The normal thing is that we find the following: CompileĪnd it is that the program is compiled through the command make, and as we say, it can have as many parameters as the programmer wants. In this way, we can compile the entire project through a simple command. The help of a Makefile is incredibly great, since if there were no such program, we would have to compile ALL the files one by one, which would be very tedious. This program makes sure you can compile the project completely or modularly, depending on how the programmer wrote it. Most programs have a special program called makefile. The next step is obviously to access that directory, in our case through: cd /ubunlog/ Normally we will unzip a directory with the same name as tar.gz, which will contain the entire project. If for example we have downloaded the program, we can decompress it in the following way: cd /directorio/de/descarga/ The first step is unzip the downloaded file.